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1 Položka
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Nina Schelemskaya (Schelesnaya Bing), a former Russian ballet dancer and the wife of Sir Rudolph Bing. Born in Moscow, a member of the Ellen Tels (who had been a student of Isadora Duncan) Ballet, a Russian company. Both she and Sir Rudolph, who were married in 1928, were naturalized British citizens. Nina Schelemskaya died of complications resulting from a stroke at her apartment in the Essex House. She was 86 years old. She is survived by her husband. * * Nina Schelemskaya (Schelesnaya Bing), významná ruská baletka, členka souboru Ellen Tels Ballet (Tels byla studentka Isadory Duncanové) a manželka Sira Rudolpha Binga, ředitele Metropolitní opery NY. Vzali se v roce 1928 a přijali britskou státní příslušnost. Nina Schelemskaya zemřela po komplikacích v 86 letech, Sir Rudolph Bing ji o řadu let přežil.