Salvador Dali was originally a Cubist but became a Surrealist in 1929. He was welcomed into the group by Breton, who, in 1938, expelled him. Dalí abandoned the implicit Marxism of the "official" Surrealist while continuing to exploit Freudian imagery.
(1808-1879) Honore Daumier was born in Marseilles. His family moved to Paris when he was still just a small boy and Honore was forced to work very early in life because his father found it difficult to support a large family. Young Daumier worked first a
Malíř Jan Dědina se narodil 1. září 1870 ve Strakách u Nymburka. Malířství studoval na Uměleckoprůmyslové škole u Františka Ženíška a na Akademii výtvarných umění u Maxmiliána Pirnera. V roce 1895 dezertoval z rakousko-uherské armády a azyl před vězením